Advice for Cyclists
Pedal power
One of the best ways to experience a Quiet Lane is from the saddle. Whether you’re on a bicycle, tandem or trike, whether you’re fully person-powered or have a bit of electric assistance every now and then, a bike is a great way to appreciate everything a Quiet Lane has to offer.
Overtake with caution
When riding along a Quiet Lane, there’s a good chance you’ll be sharing it with many different types of users who will be travelling slower than you, including dog walkers and families with young children. When it comes to overtaking them from behind make sure you give plenty of room - this way they’re unlikely to veer into your path and you won’t startle them.
If there’s not enough room to overtake then hold back until there is - it keeps everyone safe and as a bonus gives you more time in the Quiet Lane!
Approaching Horses
If you are approaching horses on the road and would like to overtake them, please approach slowly, or even stop to give them time to find a gateway or other place off the road where there will be enough space between the horse and your bike to allow you to pass safely.
Be heard
Don’t forget, if you’re approaching walkers from behind they may not be aware of your presence, so if you’ve got a bell then use it from a distance. If you haven’t then simply give them a ‘hello’ or other friendly greeting so they know you’re there and don’t walk into your path.
Keep it unspoilt
Suffolk’s Quiet Lanes are beautiful places, so if you do have any rubbish you need to get rid of, please make sure you take it home with you where you can dispose of it correctly.
Be aware of adjoining paths
Often there are footpaths that join Quiet Lanes from the side - be aware there might be people emerging from unseen gaps in the hedgerows!
Make sure you stand out
Wear bright clothing so you can be seen easily. This is a good practice wherever you’re riding, but especially on Quiet Lanes where there is very little artificial light.
Enjoy yourself
Quiet Lanes are about enjoyment, so take your time and appreciate the beautiful sights and sounds. These routes are rarely the quickest so if you’re looking to make good time then you’re usually better off taking a different route.
Keep pedalling
Don’t forget, a Quiet Lane can be just the start of your countryside adventure! Many are connected to other lanes, cycle paths and country roads which will take you across our beautiful county. Suffolk, with its gently rolling countryside, is ideal for exploring from the saddle of a bicycle - visit Discover Suffolk to get information on cycling routes for all abilities.